Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Fresh Approach

Professional organizing requires one important factor that I seem to be void of - time! ( It has taken me a week just to publish this post!) In the last two months I have been able to squeeze a short "assessment" session in with a very forgiving aunt, but have yet to come back to actually start the project! Other then a few home projects I have not been very "professional" at this organizing business. My time is whisked away so quickly by my "day job", the adventures I share with my (almost) one-year old son and countless other things that seem to pop up unexpectedly. I find myself wondering where the time goes and if I will ever be able to catch up with it.
A very wise man tells me often that we have to take each day a step at a time and make the most of every minute we are given. I am determined to make that my goal and focus on each individual moment as it comes. I may not be moving as quickly as I would like, but I have come to learn that my plans and goals are not as important or as meaningful as my Creator's and even though He blessed me with this ability I am to do it for Him and on His timing, not mine. So, slow and steady I shall press on as I take a fresh approach to "professional organizing"!

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