Monday, November 16, 2009

Practice Round 1

Since I am just starting out I chose to do some "practice" rounds in order to get a head start. My first practice round was my Aunt "C"'s kitchen (I will refer to her as "C" to protect her identity :)) . She is a very organized person, but struggles with lack of space in her kitchen. I really enjoyed the opportunity to help her organize. I also enjoyed working with her and showing her some techniques that would work with her limited space. I am posting a few "before" and "after" photos of some of the areas we worked on below:

This is a "before" look at under the sink:

This is what it looked like after:

Here is an "after" picture of her spice cabinet (The "before" picture didn't come out very well)

Here are a few things we did for storage to maximize her space :
  • Under the sink (see picture above) - we used small plastic bins to separate her cleaning supplies for easy access i.e. each bin can slide out for her to reach the supplies she needs whereas before they would all have to be taken out to reach the items in the back.
  • Spice Cabinet (see picture above) - we purchased a two-tiered, revolving spice rack (purchased at Wal-mart) to store her cooking spices and baking supplies.
  • Bulk Storage (see picture above) - We purchased two large plastic containers with pour spouts for a convenient way to store her extra sugar and flour.

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