Sunday, March 28, 2010

Slow and Steady

So far I've accomplished the "slow" portion of that phrase. I can't seem to keep up the "steady". I think I am apprehensive about taking such small steps at a time. I want to jump in and give it everything I have because, as I mentioned before, I am a slight perfectionist ;). When I don't feel like I am going to accomplish very much I tend to put it off until I have the time to do it all at once.

This might not be the best time in my life to start something like this, but it is honestly something I love to do. I want to use this ability to make a difference to those around me. I want to have something to call my own and an outlet to give to others. It might seem silly, but I really believe God has given me this ability and passion to organize to spread His joy. I just need to trust that if this is His plan, He will give me the opportunity and time I need to accomplish it.

Must keep going......

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