Thursday, November 12, 2009

Organized Chaos

You may think that the name of my blog is an oxymoron, and you are correct! Well, to a certain degree. It's just that life doesn't ever allow us to become completly organized, so most of the time we have to settle with making the clutter around us as orderly as possible. I began this blog to folllow my attempts at organizing the clutter around me as a here it goes!

I have had a passion for keeping things in order for as far back as I can remember. A love for staying organized is melded into my very being, of course this is not always possible, but I love the challenge it brings. That being said, I have a slight tendancy toward perfectionism and an all too humble realization that perfection can never be obtained :). I am goal driven almost to a fault, but I try to keep my mind and heart open to the things in life that challenge those goals.

My current goal is to help family, friends and clients get out from under the clutter and live life to the fullest! I believe I have this passion and talent for a reason and I want to help make other's lives easier by teaching them how to create a personalized organizational system that works! I want to equip them with the tools they need to stay organized and be an encouragement along the way.

I set out on this journey with alot of challenges, but with small steps and a positive outlook I hope I can make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo!!! So well said. So inspirational. I am one lucky guy :).
