Monday, September 12, 2011


First off, I feel like a completely lousy mom! I enjoy my time with Colin so much that I often forget to write down any of what happens, and assume I'll always remember. Unfortunately my brain does not have that capacity and I really want to capture so many things I find poignant or funny as he grows into a young man. I hope to use this outlet for much of that, but I also need to write it down with a good old-fashioned pen and paper. There are so many things that he does and says that just make me smile so big. The other day we were headed to the store and he matter-of-factly stated that he needed some money, when I asked him what he needed it for he said "just in case" :). For as crazy as he can be sometimes, it seems as if he is the one teaching me more often then I am teaching him. I think that is true of spending time with almost any child. I think it is how God humbles us and shows us how to see from His point of view.

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