Friday, September 9, 2011

A Journey of Sorts....

I find that in each little nugget of truth I hear that I am hungry for more. Isn't that how truth should be? Shouldn't it draw us in and bring us face to face with a choice? To take that bit of truth and find some way to spread it into the world, or, to turn your back to that truth and refuse for whatever reason to accept it. I feel as if I am on a journey for truth, to find it and to spread it as far as my feeble attempts can reach. Truth isn't some kind of loose concept, it is a very concrete fact. It can be seen or proven, it can also be accepted or rejected, but that doesn't make it any less of a concrete fact. I find that my hunger for truth is driven by the fact that the more I know the more I can make a difference in this world.

My quest for truth ultimately pours forth in my constant pursuit to draw closer to Christ, the Creator of truth. But lately my search for truth has also found itself seeking truth in the ever growing, ever deceiving food industry. It may seem silly to have such a build up about truth and then mention food, but there really is a correlation, I promise! The more I read and hear about what we have been calling "food" in the last several generations is almost frighting. I have been greatly moved into action by several books and documentaries as of late. I don't feel as if I need to cram this information down anyone's throat, but I really believe that the majority of people, mostly American, have no idea what is going on what to do to make a difference. That being said, I will add several links and name some very influential books that I have found to be helpful on the topic.



The Great Physician's RX for Health and Wellness by Jordan Rubin (the first book I ever read about whole food and true health)
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
Food Rules by Michael Pollan
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Again, I believe that there is a choice one has to make when faced with the truth, to accept it and do something with it or to ignore it and turn the other way. This is my (and my family's) journey to find the truth and use it to better our lives and those around us.

Stay tuned for more bits and pieces in this particular journey..... :)

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