Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Garage sales and other musings....

Apparently it is time for my yearly blog posting (insert frustration at self for not writing more frequently). Many things seem to take precedence over keeping this blog updated, and yet I would dearly love to do so. My life seems to be flying by so quickly and yet I am so thankful for each moment I am given.

My sweet little boy is growing and learning ever so quickly, and he is a constant reminder of God's love and faithfulness to me. He has such an inate knack for asking the most complicated questions in the simplest form. He also has a knack for keeping me in line and accountable for the decisions I make. I see so much of myself in him sometimes, and yet he has such a spark of his own spirited personality. I couldn't be more excited to watch him grow and learn and hopefully become a strong and loving man of God.

On another note...I am possibly doing the dumbest (or the smartest?) thing I have done in a while. I am attempting to have a garage sale and being the organized, crazy person that I am, it is driving me nuts to have a garage full of various items in piles all over the floor, not to mention, the couch and loveseat that so kindly found their way to the garage as well. I can't seem to do anything other than move and "re-organize" the boxes into yet more piles with VERY small walkways in between. Colin was the one coaxing me the other day to go and "clean out" the garage, and we even spent over an hour just moving stuff around, but the "cleaning" was to no avail. I have already pushed back the date of the sale two weeks now and hope that by then I can have things adequatley priced and ready to go. For such a seemingly simple idea, garage sales are quite complicated (at least for such detail oriented people like me :)). However, I WILL get it done, and hope to post an update on my success (even if it is a year from now!).